Use Discount Coupons

Posted By on December 25, 2013

10 Steps to start saving with coupons of discount 1) buy this Sunday newspaper stage of the process should not be ignored since it is essential to become familiar with the format of the discount coupons. It is possible to buy with coupons without buying the newspaper, but this requires of more time and discipline. 2) Find a method of organization and establish a routine to use coupons must have a method of organization where we can gather all our coupons and keep them in a place where we can access them easily. It is also important to establish a routine of organization, that way when we receive our coupons we know that we we must dedicate a few minutes of our time to its maintenance which is to organize them and get rid of coupons that have already expired. (3) Know the language of the language of the coupons coupons is one of the things that most it takes us time to get us. Many times we make mistakes because we don’t read all description of the coupon. The description includes brand, size, date of expiration, exclusions and more important indicates us its origin; it manufacturer or store. It is super important read entire description and not assume that the image presented in the coupon corresponds to the only product that is included in the discount.

(4) Learn about shops coupons policy the policy of coupons of shops can be found in its pages Internet or we can directly ask in store for her.It is also possible to send a letter or an email to the manager of the store asking for an explanation of the policy of coupons. These are some of the aspects that we must know or at least have an idea before trying to buy with coupons at our favorite store. to) the store do you accept coupons? do (b) Shop accepts coupons of shops competing? (c) the store doubles coupons? (d) there is any limit on the number of coupons per transaction? (e) the store offers exclusive coupons? and where can we get them? do (f) is there a loyalty program and how it works? (g) the store accepts coupons of internet? may they be black and white or color? (5) Enroll in the programs of loyalty never – never should buy at a store without the Tarjetica of loyalty program.

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