The History Of Nickelback
Posted By adminMId on November 10, 2012
The Nickelback is a band of Canadian rock, that possesss some successes and participation in sonorous tracks. They had appeared in the city of Hanna in the year of 1995, when the vocalista Chad Kroeger, invited the brother Mike Kroeger and the friend Ryan Peake to form a band. The baterista position already was busy for diverse musicians starting with Brandon Kroeger, cousin of Chad and Mike. The first album was recorded of independent form in 1996. However it was alone in 1999, that they had obtained to record a more professional record and to conquer its proper public. The album received the name from The State, being launched in the United States in March of 2000. Singles ' ' Breathe' ' , ' ' Leader of Men' ' ' ' Old Enough' ' , if they had become hits in the American radios.
The band already was known in the North American market, but ' was in 2001 with single; ' How You Remind' ' , that they had devoted themselves in the world-wide market. They say that, this success of the Nickelback, was written in only fifteen minutes, an interval between an assay and another one. Most incredible it is that this improvisation relieved to Nickelback four Grammys and four prizes in the Billboard. In this exactly year ' was launched the album; ' Silver Side Up' ' , with sufficient rock and pitada of heavy a metal. Beyond the success of ' ' How You Remind' ' , in this album they had also made success with musics ' ' Too Bad' ' ' ' Never Again' '. The Nickelbak arrived to receive the record from platinum in some countries of the Europe, as Germany, Holland and Australia. The success was as much that, relieved until a participation of Chad in the track of the film ' ' Man; '. As the band was making success in the four cantos of the globe, the recorder did not want to lose time.
In 2003 they already were launching ' ' The Long Road' ' , that he was characterized as a work with emotional thematic aggressive sound and. The album reaffirmed the success of the band, vendendo about nine million copies. In 2005, ' ' All Right Reasons' ' it was the name of the new album of the band. They had been seven singles launched and all they had been a great success. After this album came ' ' Dark Horse' ' , considered a mature work, that has even so not made success in Brazil, it arrived to be triple platinum in the North American market. Currently the integrant ones of the Nickelback live in Vancouver in Canada and are resting between a success and another one. Currently the band has its space guaranteed in the Internet for its successes. She is possible to also find innumerable videos and letters of music of Nickelback. If you are wanting to listen to a little of the band, you are enough to look for that in minutes you already will have everything that she looked of the band.