Florbela Espanca

| June 10, 2016

According to poem can assume that You appeal was person muitorara and very loved, person of great importance for Florbela. According to AntonioFreire (1977: 57) described the relation thus: ' ' The certain that Florbeladedicava to the brother a friendship, a ternura, as of mother the scared son. Except it who better understands, who looked […]

Jacopo Sannazareo

| January 3, 2014

In Rome, it attracted for these meetings the fine flower of local intelligence, forming one cenculo intellectual that, after its death, if would transform into the Arcadia (1690). It was born, thus, with regulations and programs, the new academy, composed of 16 members. It had the objective to lead back to the source of the […]


| August 27, 2013

To write is a challenging action. It is to be part of the life of the people!It is a form to educate. To act in this area goes beyond specializations, abilities and abilities. I with the other, the professional with the reader demand comprometimento of. It is also e, mainly, to be gotten passionate! Gotten […]