adminMId | November 7, 2013
In this same Freire direction (2006), considers a problematizadora education, that forms a critical citizen, participativo and operating in the society with the objective to transform it so that all have equal chances. This is ' ' education libertadora' ' , joust and igualitria, that its ontolgica vocation awakes in the individual, that is, to […]
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adminMId | October 5, 2013
AS TO ORGANIZE the PEDAGOGICAL WORK IN the INFANTILE EDUCATION Vamilson Souza D Espindola SUMMARY: Historically, in Brazil, the Infantile Education has been faced of diverse forms: as function of social assistance, as sanitary function or hygienical e, more recently, as pedagogical function. In general way, we can say that, in our country, two types […]
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Tags: education
adminMId | November 11, 2012
In the conception of Wallerstein (1990, P. 91), ' ' you discipline them are intellectually coherent object groupings of different studies between si' ' , what it sends in them to the concept positivista of science that is unaware of the influence of the social processes in its construction, that is, appears as a pure […]
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Tags: education