Academic Career

| November 21, 2013

After to lock up its bacharelado one, Smith returned the Esccia and started its academic career, first giving doubtful courses of English literature e, for return of 1750, it was turned the treatment of problems of the economy, come to create a good reputation in the half academic. Then, he was elect to give lessons […]

Brazilian Central Bank

| October 7, 2013

Currently, a vast gamma of monetary authorities in the whole world adopts practical fellow creature, facilitating the power to decide process, the transparency and the communication with the public in general. The COPOM gained the relevance that has today from 1999, when was implanted the systematics of ' ' goals for inflao' ' as line […]

Catholic Reformation

| September 15, 2013

With the intention of to serve the truth, service that the regional mass media and the own ecclesiastical hierarchy have not fulfilled sufficient uprightness; I make clarity on the authenticity of the Independent Apostolic Catholic Church of Colombia, that is been for the Department of Meta in the municipality of Acacias and, is represented by […]