
Posted By on May 11, 2016

First aid for marketing, PR and sales: professional hotline support for small and medium-sized enterprises. With the ABO! hotline provides the marketing consultancy for small and medium-sized enterprises marketing!Subscription help and support on specific issues and tasks related to marketing, PR and sales. Typical topics here are E.g. questions at average market prices for certain marketing services, questions about audiences, positioning and value propositions and questions about the design and creation of advertising materials. ABO! hotline includes also Internet workshops in addition to the actual telephone consultation if necessary. So, solutions can be better presented and easily implemented. The service is a central component of the service package of marketing!Subscription and provides expertise on demand whenever flexible support is required. ABO! hotline provides quick access to professional expertise relating to marketing, PR and sales and means a first point of contact for companies without own marketing department unanswered questions.

The service therefore particularly suitable for small and medium-sized companies such as transport, craft or construction-related trade. Contact details / priest-Hochmaier-ring 58, 85570 Markt Schwaben Tel. + 49 (0) 8121 99 44 440 fax + 49 (0) 8121 99 44 125 about marketing!Subscription marketing!Subscription helps to successfully implement marketing, PR and sales. Whether economically even performed, partially externally awarded or fully outsourced: marketing!Subscription offers continued support with job AIDS, hotline, marketing workshops and individual consulting. For more success in marketing, PR and sales.

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