Posted By adminMId on October 21, 2017
The school traditionally has been organized to isolate to the educandos, so that they do not work among them but with the supervision of the educational one. This isolation usually is presented/displayed like one of the basic elements of the situation of that follows an education process at a distance. Speech of dispersed people, who follow instruccionales materials connectionless some among them. An alternative proposal vindicates as basic needs human as the coexistence, the interpersonal relations, the participation, the affection and all this is possible in the salesiana school that from the support to the young people and the associationism we approached to its experiences and sentires to create life sense and to obtain consensuses. 5.
TO EDUCATE FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF HISTORY Insofar as a proposal concentrates in the learning (self-training and Inter-learning) and not in education, the protagnico roll of the process moves of the educational one to educating. This only done it lays the way to the educative act, understood like construction of knowledge, interchange of experiences, creation of new forms. And it is indeed that protagonism, that educative task, the one that an appropriation of history and the culture allows. The way is not the one to prepare to make history and culture in the future, but to obtain them here and now, making history and making culture in each educative act. In the culture it is educated by the cultural production, because all cultural product and its process are educative.
This bond as much by the appropriation of the created thing by other men like by the inherent creation to the educative act, is educated for the appropriation offering ways to the active virtues. The school privileges passive virtues: obedience, submission, order, memory, punctuality, and punish active virtues: creativity, risk, critic, imagination, intuition. They are these last those that make history. One is to choose between a man submissive history and a man whom history does. At a distance traditional education, anchored generally in the obsession by the correct answer, looks for to accommodate to its students to a done history or, in which no newness, no adventure of the imagination or intelligence fits. An alternative proposal is oriented, through the pedagogical mediation, to promote and to cultivate the active virtues. We are not only watching of historical history, but beings. In that sense, the postmodern culture, in opposition to the project of modernity, assures the valuation the individual, its subjectivity and its expressive potential. An educative system that responds to the needs of its context must make proposals that allow the people to discover and to develop different ways from appropriation of their cultural experience. One school that looks for a point of balance between the accumulated culture and the construction in the present of this history, centered in the expression, the art, the ethics, the joy of being important agent of this same history. To favor the reflection and the taking of brings back to consciousness, the change of mentality, so that of a new style of school, being educated for the critical perception, constructing a cultural identity, favoring significant experiences.