Business Practices

Posted By on March 1, 2013

A recent study by the labour Observatory, programme of the Ministry of national education (MEN), revealed some information on the situation of the graduates in the country. One of the relevant figures is that has to do with the main difficulties have college students to get their first job. The main limiting factor so that the new professionals get work is: lack of experience, followed by other situations like the few job offers, failure in competitions and low economic returns offered by the companies. In general, tends to relate the first employment with the University practices, because it is the first possibility of integrating a company professionally and learn everything related to the working environment of the race.Labour practices are links between the educational institution and companies where students meet requirements, usually evaluated terms of notes and academic credits, which is attributed to the immediate boss of the student and has a maximum duration of 6 months since it complies with the corresponding to the value of the enrollment period.There are races or more likely technical specialties that its employment Outlook is not so muddy or unclear and that they still require people with any level of experience: Marketing and public relations, Informatics, telecommunications, design, finance, etc.But what is that anyone who is the subject that you’ve studied your options to get to work directly at the end of the studies do not rely on endless waiting lists. And maybe a public system collapsed employment is not the only solution: private initiative also counts and if employment doors are closed, perhaps student grants are an open window. On the other hand it is important that the student choose a good student practice, at this time there are many modalities that override this professional experience and some college students opt for them, losing a great opportunity to show their skills.During the period of internship, young people have the opportunity to work and be trained based on learning at work. Organizations at the same time, have the opportunity to make contact with young people in the final stage of his professional career or graduates recently and count on your collaboration.

On the other hand, a good place to practice can become a kind of showcase that allows you to generate an excellent network of contacts. Remember that contacts can open many doors in the labor market. They can make a difference when your resume is read and considered in future selection processes. The importance of labour practices is that you have truly served to you, that have been applied to what your you want to work, they have learned and have known the business world to continue your search for employment. And practices to provide a personal and professional experience. Also internships helps you to differentiate yourself from other potential candidates, express initiative, eager to learn and ability to adapt. Something highly valued they are practices abroad since going to work outside your country in the majority of cases with another language, he assured the company that later can hire you, a language proficiency, capacity to change and adapt. Also abroad, there is greater likelihood of being hired by the company where you carry out practices. Finally I think that at the time of seeking first employment must think about professional practices, which strengthen us much in the workplace and give us good bases to enter to compete for a job with more property and not die in the attempt.

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