Brazilian Central Bank

Posted By on October 7, 2013

Currently, a vast gamma of monetary authorities in the whole world adopts practical fellow creature, facilitating the power to decide process, the transparency and the communication with the public in general. The COPOM gained the relevance that has today from 1999, when was implanted the systematics of ' ' goals for inflao' ' as line of direction of monetary politics. Since then, the decisions of the COPOM had started to have as objective to fulfill the goals for inflation defined by the National Monetary Advice. had gained repercussion as the announcement of the escalao made for the Dunga.Formalmente, the objectives of the Copom are ' ' to implement the monetary politics, to define the goal of the Selic Tax and its eventual bias, and to analyze ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Report of Inflao' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. As they are the meetings of the COPOMAs usual meetings of the Copom are divided in two days: the first session to the teras-fairs and second to the Wednesday. Monthly since 2000, the number of usual meetings was reduced for eight to the year from 2006, being the divulged annual calendar until the end of October of the previous year. Who participates of COPOMO COPOM is composed for the members of the Direction Student body of the Brazilian Central Bank: the president, who has the quality vote; the directors of Monetary Politics, Economic policy, International Studies Special, Subjects, Norms and Organization of the Financial System, Fiscalization, Liquidaes and Desestatizao, and Administration What she means SELICA acronym SELIC means System Special of Liquidao and Custdia.Trata of a computerized system, whose responsible it is the Central banking, which only financial institutions have access. The SELIC is the central depositary of the headings of the public debt federal intern. It registers all the transactions with duration of one working day (called over-night, in the financial jargon) between banks, lastreadas exclusively in public headings.

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